All too often we become creatures of habit. We seem to always sleep on the same side of the bed, brush our teeth in the exact same sequence each time, and eat the same meals.
Recently, I began experimenting with different foods, and I have found that I can eat more food if I limit fat and carbs. I began to look outside of my little bubble, and I found that America has made some great strides in the improvement of fat-free foods. I also learned that if I eat smaller portions of meats, I can have all the veggies and fruit I desire. Salsa and onions liven up just about any meal for me. Rather than frying, I can grill or roast and still enjoy a great meal. The result: losing weight and feeling better.
OK, by now you must be thinking, “What do this guy’s dietary habits have to do with my job search?” The answer, actually, is a lot, in that it demonstrates how thinking outside of the box or with new eyes can have a significant impact.
How you searched for a job before you joined the military is obsolete. It’s time to stop and try something new. The days of finding a job in your local newspaper and mailing or faxing in a resume are long gone.
While great employment resources can be found at your local library, employment offices, and Vet Centers, the internet is our starting point for current and future job offerings. Whether it is from identifying positions on a job board or networking on a social site such as LinkedIn or Facebook to applying online, chances are you will need the internet.
If you can think it, search for it on the internet. “Veteran Jobs,” “Interview Skills,” “County Veteran Service,” “Veterans wanted” are all great search terms.
You may also want to begin by opening up a browser, going to a search engine and typing in a position of interest and location and hit “search.” Defining your specialty will bring you fewer results, but they will be more focused on what you are looking for.
Have fun with it—it may take you several different searches to find results that are meaningful for you.
The Veteran’s Approach to a Job Search Series:
- Military mentality.
- Identify skills, education, and experience.
- Decide what you are qualified to do.
- Prepare your resume.
- Continue your education, if necessary.
- Plan your work, work your plan.
- Network with everyone.
- Use all your resources.
- Dress to impress.
- Follow-up.
- Stay motivated, motivate others.
- Volunteer or get a part-time job.
About the Author:
Darren Sherrard is the associate director for Recruitment Marketing and Advertising at VA’s Office of Workforce Management and Consulting. Darren retired from the U.S. Army with 20 years of service. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Management, is a Senior Fellow of Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education, a Certified Contracting Officer Representative (COR) II and a Federal Acquisition Corps Program Manager (PM) I.